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Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team

Our Mission

To ‘Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.’ - Diana, Princess of Wales.

About the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme

The programme trains young people across the UK and internationally to be Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in their schools and communities. Through training events and ongoing support, they give young people the inspiration, practical ideas and top tips they need to prevent negative/bullying behaviour and ensure everyone feels safe and happy in their school.

After the initial training, the young people put everything they have learned into action when they return to school with the support of their team, staff members and The Diana Award Anti-Bullying team (through follow up meetings).

Just like the late Princess Diana, The Diana Award Anti-Bullying team believe young people have the power to change the world. Just by asking someone if they are ok if they know they are experiencing negative/bullying behaviour, they are changing the world! By running campaigns in school that celebrate what makes everyone special, young people can change someone’s world. Never underestimate the power that young people have to make a real difference for someone.

Claydon Primary School’s Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team Mission

Our mission is to:

  •  ensure WE have the most up to date knowledge and skills linked to our ‘Anti-Bullying Ambassador’ Training but also to share and deliver this to the pupils and staff within the school.
  • achieve The Diana Award badges (wellbeing, online safety, community action and respect) through creating campaigns over the coming years.

Key Information and Resources

Here is a link to our school Anti-Bullying Policy which was updated by the team to include all of the key terminology and ideas learnt from The Diana Award Training.

Anti-Bullying Policy


Here is a powerpoint presentation which was presented to the children within assemblies during Anti-Bullying Week 2022 with the key knowledge and terminology required.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Assembly

Our Team

Take the opportunity to meet our team, find out a bit more about why we wanted to be part of the team, why we feel being part of the team is important and a what we feel is the most important message to take away today.

Anti Bullying Ambassador Team Leaders

Miss Powell

  •  I wanted to become part of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team because I was particularly interested in how we can use the terminology to change the outlook on what once would be referred to as ‘bullying’. In addition, I wanted to gain knowledge on how to support ALL pupils and staff within our school to change their outlook and understanding of the matter.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador and/or being a pupil who supports their work is important because to make a change EVERYONE has a responsibility - pupils, staff and our wider community.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that we do not refer to the person conducting the negative behaviour as a ‘bully’ and we do not use the term ‘bullying and instead refer to it as either ‘negative behaviour’ or ‘bullying behaviour’ (if it repeated, negative and intentional) as this behaviour is a CHOICE, which can be CHALLENGED and CHANGED. Therefore, everyone has the potential to act appropriately and not be given the label of ‘bully’.
  • As part of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team, my one piece of advice would be that EVERYBODY needs to be an upstander in order to better educate others and overall be on a mission to prevent negative behaviour occurring.

 Miss Batram

  • I wanted to become part of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team because I wanted to learn more about how to support those who experience negative/bullying behaviour and help others within our school and community to develop their knowledge and understanding on the topic.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador and/or being a pupil who supports their work is important because we must make a change to prevent the long-term impact that negative/bullying behaviour can have on children's mental health.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that bullying behaviour must be repeated, intended and negative. If it does not meet all three criteria, then it is negative behaviour. I also want everyone to know how to be an upstander and help support those that are experiencing negative/bullying behaviour.
  • As part of the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team, my one piece of advice would be that we need to create a school of 'upstanders' so that everyone knows how to 'stand up' to the negative behaviour to ensure all children feel safe and comfortable.


Year 5 Anti Bullying Ambassador Team Members

















  •  I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I like being part of the school and doing something that makes a difference to those who need it the most.
  •  I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because negative/bullying behaviour makes people very unhappy and can affect their mental health and learning and concentration at school and life at home.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be EVERYBODY needs to be an upstander.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be if we put up with negative behaviour and don’t speak up, we are accepting the behaviour - be an upstander!






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I thought it would help others who may be in need of my help.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because it allows people to have the freedom to be who they are at all times.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be the three types of negative behaviour and the different signs people may show if they are experiencing it as they may not want to tell someone. Or the definition of bullying behaviour so we can tell if the behaviour is just negative behaviour or bullying behaviour.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to always be an upstander and never back down from an opportunity to help someone (make sure you do this safely though) because it’s better to be an upstander than a bystander.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I like seeing people happy, want people to have positive thoughts about themselves and want others to have the best day whoever they are. I believe we should all be in an as safe, kind and caring environment as possible. I also wanted to know what to do if negative/bullying behaviour does happen and how to prevent it.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because if we weren’t around, people may feel negative about themselves, negative behaviour may not be dealt with as quickly and could lead to bullying behaviour and others may not understand the knowledge we learnt.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that you need to be brave and tell a trusted adult/Anti-Bullying Ambassador if you are experiencing negative behaviour as soon as possible because if you leave it too late it could become a big issue (bullying behaviour).
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to never feel afraid to tell a trusted person if you’ve experienced negative behaviour - especially if you are worried about it.





Sophia K

  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because experiencing negative/bullying behaviour can feel horrible and it is not ok to repeatedly be unkind to someone because it can impact their emotions.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because instead of only teachers being responsible this gives children someone else to talk to since there are lots of ambassadors and not just one or two.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to be an upstander NOT a bystander because it is a very good message and people need to make sure they know the difference.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be ‘don’t be a zero be a hero’ and ‘refrain from being the person showing the negative/bullying behaviour’.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I want to make sure no one else experiences negative or bullying behaviour.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because it helps people recognise their behaviour and how it does or can impact other people and if it makes them feel uncomfortable, unsafe and upset.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that they are not the victim and they can always tell a trusted adult.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to not retaliate and think about the consequences of your words and actions.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I want to make our school the best it can be and stop any negative behaviour.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because negative/bullying behaviour is bad and it needs to stop.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be how to respond to negative behaviour properly.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to be brave, stand out from the rest and have the courage to tell someone if you are experiencing negative behaviour.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I want to stop negative/bullying behaviour and teach people that it’s not ok to do this to others. We can all work together as a team to fight against negative/bullying behaviour and not make it worse.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because our school does not need to be a place where negative/bullying behaviour happens. We want to have a world where no-one gets hurt and no-one has to be worried they will experience negative/bullying behaviour at school and in the wider community.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be for everyone to recognise negative/bullying behaviour and are able to stop it from happening in our school.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be if you are the perpetrator of negative/bullying behaviour STOP and make a change.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I can help anyone who is experiencing negative/bullying behaviour both inside or outside of school to put an end to it.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because if people do experience negative/bullying behaviour, I can support them and offer advice. This behaviour should not happen and if I can help prevent it that would be great.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that an upstander is someone who stands up for negative/bullying behaviour - we should all be one!
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to ignore the negative behaviour in the way of not letting it get you down, instead act on it and speak out to someone in your support network.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because everyone should feel safe and happy at school. By being an ambassador, I can encourage everyone to always be kind to each other and to tell an adult or an ambassador if they are worried.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because we can help to give advice and be supportive to everyone so no one feels alone. We can also make positive changes to the school.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to take away the three types of negative behaviour (verbal, indirect and physical) because everyone should know by the end of the week how to spot them.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to never be the person to conduct negative/bullying behaviour and always be an upstander and check if the target is ok using the three steps - say, ask do!





Sophia R

  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I like to make people happy in general and I know even if they have experienced negative/bullying behaviour I can try my best to make them feel happy after too.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because if I was experiencing negative/bullying behaviour I would like someone checking up on me and I would want other people to be happy and feel better. I think other people would like someone to support them when they have been experienced negative/bullying behaviour. I also think supporting others when they have experienced it is important to me because they would like someone to support them when they experienced negative/bullying behaviour.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to be an upstander!
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be that negative/bullying behaviour is a choice and it CAN be changed.


Year 6 Anti Bullying Ambassador Team Members













Ellie May

  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I want to make this school free from negative/bullying behaviour. I also want to make sure everyone feels safe and happy to be at school.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because it helps reduce negative behaviour and I get to be a role model for younger children.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to not be unkind and make people uncomfortable at school. You should always be kind and respect people.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to tell an Anti-Bullying Ambassador or an adult if anyone is being unkind to you.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I am a confident speaker, I feel it would work for me and I already knew a bit about how to deal with it before I had the training. I feel that I could help people in this situation and I’d feel happy that people can come to me and I could go to them and deal with negative/bullying behaviour. It also helps wellbeing and I knew it could help me support many people.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because it can help people understand negative/bullying behaviour and also it helps people to help others if they are experiencing it. It also makes our school an ‘anti-bullying’ school.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be you need to know what negative behaviour is and how it can be bullying behaviour. The key is it needs to be repetitive (the person keeps on doing the negative behaviour).
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to question the person who is doing the negative/bullying behaviour so then you can find out why and it will make them think about their behaviour and maybe ‘Well, I don’t actually know’. You can then go and tell an adult or one of the Anti-Bullying QAmbassadors so they can solve it.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I have experienced negative behaviour in the past and this made me think I want to put a stop to this sort of behaviour because it can make people feel upset, uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because if anyone is experiencing negative behaviour they can let us know or a trusted adult. Helping people to keep up their wellbeing is important too because you need to show yourself some self care as well as being a kind and supportive person to others.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that friendships will have ups and downs and lots of people experience this. A healthy friendship, I would say, is always trying to be the best version of yourself and being kind and supportive.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be if you feel like you are going to say something unkind, then don’t say it at all. If you feel like this is not working, walk away.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I wanted to help people who are experiencing negative/bullying behaviour.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because people need to know all of the key words and definitions and use these correctly (e.g. not using the term ‘bullying’ and instead ‘negative/bullying behaviour’).
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that we can all be upstanders!
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be don’t be the person who conducts negative behaviour and remember we can stop negative behaviour turning into bullying behaviour.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I wanted to stop negative/bullying behaviour and keep our school a safe place.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because it can stop negative/bullying behaviour and make people feel safer.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to be an upstander.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be if you ever experience negative/bullying behaviour, go ahead and tell us or a trusted adult - don’t be afraid! 






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because when they first introduced the role, I was experiencing negative behaviour myself and I didn’t want anyone else to feel the same way as I did when experiencing it. I just wanted to make sure I could help others as much as I could.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because people depend on you (as students) to be able to talk to you if they are experiencing negative behaviour. You need to be able to help them, and hopefully, put a stop to it.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that negative/bullying behaviour is a choice, it can be challenged and it can be changed.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be if you ever experience negative/bullying behaviour never retaliate. If the behaviour is intended to make you feel upset, tell a trusted person.






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I wanted to help others when they’re sad and to make them feel safe and happy in school. I wanted to help the school be even better by helping people to be happy and for them not to receive any negative behaviour.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because you don’t want others being sad or experiencing negative/bullying behaviour. Being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador gives you a chance to help the school to be even better which is really important as we want to make sure we stay a school with happy children.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be to be kind to other people and treat them how you want to be treated in every circumstance.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to treat people how you want to be treated because you wouldn’t want to experience negative/bullying behaviour. Also, if you experience negative/bullying behaviour, tell a trusted adult because if you don’t things could get worse and we don’t want you feeling sad or worried.






  • - I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I like to make sure everyone is well and happy so they can enjoy being at school everyday.
  • - I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because if people are facing negative/bullying behaviour they can come to us to help. It also can help make our school a better place.
  • - If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be the three types of negative behaviour and how to identify these and respond by being an upstander.
  • - As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to always be confident around others, do not let your experience of negative/bullying behaviour define you as you are amazing - always. Always speak out and don’t keep your experience a secret.



  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I knew I could be there for people, let them know they aren’t alone and help them with their worries.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because we can get to know peoples’ worries and help them along the way.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that we are never alone and there is always someone to help you.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to stand up and stand out no matter what people think of you.







  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I really wanted to be able to help others in any way possible!
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because we can educate people about negative/bullying behaviour and we can stop forms of negative behaviour performed by students by being upstanders.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be that if negative behaviour is repeated, this would result in bullying behaviour - do not let this happen.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to help anybody who needs help (even if it is the person who is showing the negative behaviour to help them change).






  • I wanted to become an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I wanted to help others realise that negative/bullying behaviour is wrong and I wanted to be able to help people who are struggling with experiencing any of this behaviour.
  • I believe being an Anti-Bullying Ambassador is important because we need everyone to understand that bullying behaviour is wrong and children should not be doing it.
  • If I wanted you to take away just one thing from everything we taught over Anti-Bullying Week, which I think everyone should know, it would be VIP - verbal, indirect and physical - are all types of negative behaviour.
  • As an Anti-Bullying Ambassador, my one piece of advice would be to understand that negative/bullying behaviour is wrong and instead we should choose to be kind.