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Claydon Primary School

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British Values

As part of social development, reinforced in the Prevent Strategy, schools are required to actively promote fundamental British values.

British values are defined as:

1.       Democracy

2.       The rule of law

3.       Individual liberty

4.       Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Promoting these is not something new at Claydon Primary School.  They are embedded in the ethos of the school and taught through school assemblies, RE and PSHE.

1.      Democracy

Children, parents and staff have many opportunities for their voices to be heard.

An example of this in action is our School Council.  The election of School Council members reflects the British electoral systems and demonstrates democracy in action.  Candidates prepare their election speeches/manifestos, pupils consider characteristics important for an elected representative and pupils vote for their preferred candidate.  Made up of one representative from each class, the School Council meets regularly to discuss issues raised by different classes.  Following meetings, representatives return to their classes to discuss and gather opinions about issues prior to the council making a decision.  Opinions from the School Council are sought linked to their learning in school and they also hold a breakfast meeting with the Headteacher to raise questions.

Pupils are listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully to each other, particularly when they are learning together with their talk partner, respecting the right of every individual to have their voice heard.

2.       Rules and Laws

The importance of rules and laws, whether they be those that govern our school or our country, are referred to and reinforced often, such as in assemblies and when reflecting on behaviour choices.

Children are taught our class rules and that the reasons behind them are for everyone to be able to learn in a safe environment.  Through our behaviour policy, they learn about consequences when rules are broken.  ‘Fair play’ is a key principle in our competitive sport.

This value is reinforced in through:

  • Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service
  • During RE, when rules for particular faiths are explored
  • In specific subjects of the curriculum, where there is respect and appreciation for different rules, e.g. in sport

3.       Individual Liberty

Within a safe and supportive learning environment, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices and to express opinion.  When learning, they are regularly provided with the opportunity to make choices for example:

  • Selection of differentiated learning activity (mild, spicy, hot)
  • Method of recording their learning
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities.

Pupils are encouraged to understand and exercise their personal freedoms and advised how to do so safely, for example through on-line safety learning and when learning about peer pressure in PSHE.

4.       Mutual respect for and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Mutual respect is at the heart of our ethos and is supported with our behaviour targets – all members of our school community should treat each other and everything with respect. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.  The school does not tolerate any form of bullying, which is underpinned by its anti-bullying policy and taught through ‘Say no to bullying week’.

Claydon is not a particularly diverse community in terms of different faiths and beliefs.  Therefore we promote diversity through our RE curriculum with regular visits from members of different faiths visiting the school to share their knowledge and to enhance learning.  Pupils also have the opportunity to visit different places of worship in our locality.  We also provide opportunities for pupils to learn about other cultures through special themed weeks, for example, the Olympics, through geographical themes and through learning about the celebration of festivals.