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Claydon Primary School

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Our Badges

During the training sessions, the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team were made aware they could work towards earning  a number of badges (Wellbeing, Online Safety, Community Action and Respect). The team were advised to focus on one badge and create campaigns which would help achieve the badge.

  • Wellbeing - campaigns that encourage positive wellbeing, spread kindness, and provide/strengthen peer support systems in school communities.
  • Online Safety - campaigns that promote how to stay safe online, use online platforms for positive social change and maintain digital wellbeing.
  • Community Action - campaigns that involve the wider school community in anti-bullying work.
  • Respect - campaigns that champion diversity and promote an equal and inclusive school environment for everyone.


For any campaign the children consider, they have to complete ‘PACT planning’:

  • Purposeful
    • Why do you want to do this campaign idea?
    • Why is it important for your school and wider community?
  • Actionable
    • Is this practical (time, effort, costs)?
    • Who can help you?
  • Continuous
    • What will the long term change be?
    • How can you keep your anti-bullying work moving forward?
  • Trackable
    • How will you track your efforts and progress?
    • Can you collect evidence?


In April 2021, the team began their journey to achieve the ‘wellbeing’ badge. Throughout our journey, we have realised that some of our actions may overlap to earning other badges. The Diana Award follow up meetings will help us keep track of what we have achieved and will support us further in what more we may need to do to earn badges. See below for campaigns and progress in earning these badges.


Wellbeing Badge





Actions we have taken towards earning this badge:

  • Designing and creating ‘positivity’ posters which were placed around the school for the children to see to remind them of certain phrases and images to help spread positivity and improve wellbeing (Autumn 2021).
  • Planning, designing and supporting in Anti-Bullying Week assemblies whereby the key information and terminology was introduced to all pupils and staff (November 2021).
  • Organising a ‘Dare to Be Different’ Non Uniform Day and Fun Run (November 2021) to end our Anti-Bullying Week on a positive note by using the whole school ‘feel good activity’ to spread positivity and improve wellbeing.
  • Organising a ‘Christmas Film Night’ for children to attend after school to increase the sense of community and therefore use the whole school ‘feel good activity’ to spread positivity and wellbeing across the school (December 2021).
  • Re-writing the school’s ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’ to ensure it reflects the knowledge and terminology we utilise (January 2022).
  • Planning, designing and supporting in Anti-Bullying Week assemblies whereby the key information and terminology was introduced to all pupils and staff with a particular focus on creating scenarios which are relevant to our school to check their understanding of ‘bullying behaviour’ (November 2022).
  • Introducing the ‘Positivity Postbox’ to the school with a whole school ‘Positive Postcard’ task. Ambassadors will deliver postcards on a rota system to ensure these are received and to monitor the use of the postbox to ensure this is further encouraged if required (November 2022).
  • Allowing ALL children to be exposed and participate in a ‘Yoga and Mindfulness’ taster session to provide them with some strategies to support their wellbeing (November 2022).
  • Participating in four ‘yoga and mindfulness’ sessions to become ‘wellbeing warriors with specific skills to focus on supporting others (in particular during unstructured time) to promote the importance of wellbeing (December 2022).


Online Safety Badge






  • Designing an ‘Anti-Bullying Ambassador’ page on our school website which includes all of the key information and terminology needed, as well as the policy. In addition, sharing some information about the journey of the team and actions (November 2022).


Community Action Badge






Actions we have taken towards earning this badge:

  • Fundraising events linked to the founded ‘Anti-Bullying fund’ to further support our work on continuously promoting and improving wellbeing within our school and wider community (November/December 2021).
  • Re-writing the school’s ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’ to ensure it reflects the knowledge and terminology we utilise (January 2022) and ensuring all staff members have access to this and sending this to all parents too (November 2022).
  • Proposed an idea to the Senior Leadership Team for all pupils to receive yoga/mindfulness training to support and promote the importance of wellbeing across the school (November 2022).
  • Planning a writing task for all children across the school whereby they write a set of instructions for a range of purposes and audiences to ensure our key information and messages are received by all (November 2022).
  • Designing an ‘Anti-Bullying Ambassador’ page on our school website which includes all of the key information and terminology needed, as well as the policy. In addition, sharing some information about the journey of the team and actions (November 2022).


Respect Badge







Our Anti Bullying Ambassador Fund

In the Autumn Term 2021, our team (who were working towards achieving the ‘wellbeing badge’), were full of ideas on how they thought we could promote and enhance wellbeing across the school. During meeting discussions, the team realised that some of their ideas would require fundraising/contributions to enable us to provide the opportunities for the children. For this reason, we decided to introduce the ‘Anti-Bullying Ambassador’ Fund whereby any of the money raised/proceeds from events would build up to allow us to make exciting decisions about how to continue to improve and promote wellbeing.

The team have agreed they are extremely lucky with how successful the fundraising has been BUT would like to ensure they will spend the funds wisely. This may mean continuing to save for larger projects as opposed to smaller projects; they are continuously considering the impact their decisions and spendings would have on ALL children.


How we have raised our funds:

  • ‘Dare to be Different’ Fun Run (November 2021).
  • ‘Christmas Film Night’ (December 2021).


How we have chosen to spend our funds:

  • Spreading ‘Christmas cheer’ by providing sweets for ALL children during the class Christmas parties (December 2021).
  • Allowing ALL children to be exposed and participate in a ‘Yoga and Mindfulness’ taster session to provide them with some strategies to support their wellbeing (November 2022).