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Claydon Primary School

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Our Vision and Values


At Claydon Primary School we strive for all pupils to ‘be the best you can be’.  This is strongly supported by our school values….



In school we are committed to developing pupils as individuals through instilling positive learning behaviour, encouraging reflection and modelling respectable conduct in order for them to succeed in learning and thrive in the modern world.

Our pupils will be individuals with the skill set to make good choices, to be kind, caring, honest and resilient.



In school we are committed to promoting the value of working together as a team within a range of groups and contexts; striving to build and strengthen our learners’ skills of collaboration to help them be successful, promote tolerance, trust and participation.

Our pupils will understand the importance of togetherness, communication and team work and be able to work alongside others successfully.



In school we will actively encourage and promote the importance of a caring and supportive community in which every child can flourish. We will provide opportunities for pupils to engage with and contribute to their local community, as well as raising awareness of the ways in which communities can work together to positively impact global issues.

Our pupils know their responsibilities within the communities which they are a key part of – school, local and global – and contribute positively towards them.



In school we will provide opportunities to explore and nurture a respectful curiosity for different cultures through a range of learning experiences, assemblies, theme days and visits that will be reinforced by our pupils further understanding of the British Values.

Our pupils will have an understanding of the wider world, significant historical figures, an appreciation of the Arts and through this have a healthy respect for differing opinions and beliefs.



In school we will provide all pupils with a broad and varied curriculum that is designed to continuously develop and build on their key skills and knowledge base. They will have inclusive and aspirational teaching and learning; which includes creative and enriching experiences to inspire and engage them.

Our pupils develop and master key skills and build their knowledge across a wide range of curriculum subjects in readiness for their exciting future ahead.