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P.E. and Sport Premium

PE and sport premium grant funding is specific funding from the Government to support the development of the PE curriculum, the effective delivery of this and wider opportunities linked to this area. 

At Claydon Primary School the funding is to be used to provide, develop and deliver sustainable high quality teaching in school P.E. and sport.  We are delighted to be in receipt of this funding as it supports our aim to create a culture that encourages the development of healthy, active lifestyles for ALL children by providing the foundations of positive and enjoyable participation in regular physical activity to be established. As well as this, to foster the aspirations of future sports people, Olympians and Paralympians.


The PE and Sport Premium is used to secure improvements in the following 5 key indicators:

  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  • The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school  improvement
  • Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils
  • Increased participation in competitive sport


Impact of Sport Premium Funding

  • All children are able to be physically active and experience a range of sports within their PE lessons as a result of a planned out PE Curriculum to give children the opportunity to develop a breadth and depth of knowledge and skills.
  • In 2021/2022, 85% of pupils attended extra curricular clubs which means they have the opportunity to progress in their chosen sport and/or experience a new sport. These sports offered cover individual participation as well as invasion team games which allow them to build character, collaboration and a sense of community.
  • Break times and lunch times are increasingly active as a result of sports leader and MDSA training, (as well as the purchasing of the appropriate equipment), to support the children in initiating their own active play more readily which has a positive impact on both their fitness and their curriculum PE sessions.
  • Pupils are able to recognise their own individual achievements and are able to develop their character, collaboration and sense of community through PE lessons, extra curricular activities, competitive events and events such as Sports Day. These achievement are often celebrated through means within the school such as displays, newsletters etc.
  • In 2021/2022, 53% of children participated in events run by School Games. All KS2 children were able to participate in intra competitions within school.
  • Staff have been provided with professional development, mentoring, appropriate training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils. This has helped improve staff’s confidence in the delivery of high quality PE lessons with a clearer idea on skills progression.
  • P.E. subject leaders have increased their knowledge, understanding and skills of subject leadership and make a positive impact.
  • In 2021/2022, 65% of pupils in Years 5 and 6 undertook bikeability training and were provided with the opportunity to be confident in cycling.
  • Extra-curricular provision has been enhanced - as a result, participation in extra-curricular P.E. has increased.
  • In 2021/22, 93% of the Year 6 cohort were able to swim competently, confidently and proficient over a distance of at least 25 metres. This is enable by Year 4,5 and 6 pupils able to access a term of swimming each academic year.
  • Resources for P.E. have been significantly enhanced to ensure lessons are adequately and appropriately resourced. Sportswear was purchased for children to represent the school and give them a sense of community at events outside of school.
  • Children were given additional opportunities such as Year 2 attending Pipers Vale (gymnastics) and Year 6 attended an ITFC camp which widens their experiences of places to visit outside of school by making community links.
  • In 2021/2022, we maintained our School Games Gold award as a school. Prior to this, the school achieved the School Games Bronze award for 2014-15, aimed and successfully achieved Silver for 2015-16, aimed and successfully achieved Gold for 2016-17 and maintained Gold since, showing progress in provision.
  • Active play training has been provided for MDSAs, play equipment purchased and a wider range of opportunities are offered at lunchtime. Pupils have developed their leadership skills through play leader training to provide to younger pupils within the school at lunchtime which as a result increases physical activity.
  • Pupils are developing their leadership skills, as Sports Reps on the School Council, acting as officials in competition and as games leaders at lunch break times.