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Claydon Primary School

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Homework is set throughout the school and we encourage children to share this learning with parents and carers.  The work set always supports the curriculum and is carefully explained to the children.

Reading is such a vital skill that underpins so much of the children’s learning.  We strongly encourage you to read and share books on a very regular basis with your child, whatever their age, to develop their love and interest in them.

The children are expected to complete the homework tasks; however, if there is a specific problem one week then we encourage the child to speak to their teacher to seek advice or help.

Homework through the school:


  • Reading:  2 books to share – including ‘lilac’ reading scheme books; opportunity to borrow story sacks and to use ‘Bug Club’
  • Maths – opportunity to borrow maths games
  • Challenges/activities linked to current children’s interests and learning are available for parent/carers to take home


  • Reading – individual reading of books from the reading scheme; opportunity to use ‘Bug Club’; phonics/tricky words are recorded in reading log books
  • ‘Busy book’ with challenges linked to current learning in school goes home weekly.

Year 1

  • Reading – individual reading from the reading scheme (at least 3 times a week) and sharing of library books; opportunity to use ‘Bug Club’
  • Spelling: occasional spellings are sent home
  • Maths – targets to recall maths facts, to be practised regularly
  • Any additional activities which support skills as required.

Year 2

  • Reading – individual reading from the reading scheme (at least 3 times a week) and sharing of library books; opportunity to use ‘bug club’
  • Spelling – weekly/fortnightly spelling activities including words to learn at home
  • Maths – targets to recall maths facts, to be practised regularly; ‘My Maths’ as appropriate
  • Activities which support skills as required.

Year 3

  • Reading – individual reading linked to Accelerated Reader (at least 3 times a week but ideally daily)
  • Spelling – word lists to learn each week
  • Maths – number facts, times tables, to be practised regularly; access to ‘My Maths’ and ‘Rock Star’ tables
  • Activities to support skills and learning across the curriculum as required

Year 4 and Year 5

  • Reading – individual reading linked to Accelerated Reader (at least 3 times a week but ideally daily)
  • Spelling – word lists to learn each week
  • Maths – number facts, times tables, to be practised regularly; access to ‘My Maths’ and ‘Rock Star’ tables
  • Activities to support skills and learning across the curriculum as required
  • One piece of additional homework per week (approx. 30 minutes) which will alternate between Maths, English and other subject areas.

Year 6

  • Reading – individual reading linked to Accelerated Reader (at least 3 times a week but ideally daily)
  • Spelling – word lists to learn each week
  • Maths – number facts, times tables, to be practised regularly; access to ’My Maths’ and ‘Rock Star’ tables
  • Activities to support skills and learning across the curriculum as required
  • Two pieces of additional homework per week (approx. 30 minutes each) which will often be a weekly Maths and English activity but may be a different subject area.


Holiday homework for school holidays will not normally be set as we recognise the importance of families spending time together and the opportunity to learn from a wide range of different experiences.  However, we welcome, encourage and support pupils who wish to extend school topics through research at home.

When pupils are absent from school during term time to take an unauthorised holiday, the school does not provide homework.

To view our policy on Homework