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Claydon Primary School

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School Uniform

At Claydon Primary School there is a strong tradition of school uniform.  It helps give pupils a sense of belonging and to feel a pride in being part of our school and supports our ethos of high expectations.


Our School Uniform Expectations:

● Trousers/Shorts - Grey or Black
● Skirts/Pinafore Dress - Grey or Black
● Summer Pinafore Dress - Green (Blue in Year 6)
● Cardigan/Sweatshirt - Green (Blue in Year 6)
● Socks - White, Grey or Black
● Footwear - Black Shoes

Shoes need to be plain black all over and to be made of leather or a leather look material. Sensible and comfortable designs  are required and for health and safety reasons, canvas material, backless shoes, open toes, ‘pumps’ which do not cover much of the foot, high heels, boots and platform shoes are not acceptable. Skate shoes, canvas shoes, plimsolls and any footwear with coloured logos or branding are not allowed.


Our PE Kit Expectations:

Team Colours:  Anderson will wear red,  Seacole blue,  Curie yellow and Jenner green

● Shorts - Black
● T-shirt - Plain Team Colour or white (no football shirts)
● Footwear - Trainers or plimsolls (no colourful logos)
● Cold weather tracksuit - plain black tracksuit bottoms and hooded or zipped top



For health and safety reasons we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school, with an exception being made for:

● Simple watches that only tell the time and do not distract the child or other children from their learning
● Small earring studs in pierced ears
● Small objects of religious significance
It is essential that children do not wear any permitted item(s) of jewellery on a day that they have P.E. If this is unavoidable, then it is essential that they are able to remove any permitted item(s) of jewellery by themselves for P.E. lessons, to prevent any potential injuries from occurring.




General Rules
No children should be wearing make-up, coloured lip balms, nail varnish or temporary tattoos
● Hair that is tied up should be done so with a simple dark coloured scrunchie or elasticated band
● Hair bands should be of a plain style in a dark colour with no adornments

We expect all parents and carers to send their child/ren to school to support our expectations with regards to school uniform, which is simple and cost effective. You should therefore ensure that your child/ren has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and good repair. We may ask children to remove items which do not meet the expectations outlined above. We will consider any specific requests from parents or carers for individual children to have special dispensation due to a temporary or permanent medical condition or special educational needs. We can offer support for families who struggle to meet the cost of uniform; please contact the school to discuss what might be available. In addition, where the school have been donated good quality, pre-worn school uniform we can issue this to families free of charge; we welcome donations of all school uniform which is in good condition.


Most of our uniform can be purchased at a wide range of shops. For the items with the school logo on, these can be either ordered online  at PMG.

Alternatively items can be purchased from the PMG shop:

PMG Schoolwear 
40 Westgate Street

Second Hand uniform is available through Choices Clothing  please click here to access their website.

Alternatively second hand items can be purchased from Choices Clothing:

Manor Farm
Church Lane