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Special Educational Needs

The 'Claydon Pyramid of Schools' aim to support all pupils to 'Be the best they can be!'

The welfare and progress of all individual pupils is of the most importance and we strive to support each child in developing towards their full potential.  We recognise that some pupils, either for a short period or throughout their time in school require additional support due to a range of Special Educational Needs. 

Our School SEN Information Report

Miss Cheryl Riches is our Senior Leader of SEND and Inclusion and can be contacted via the school office or email; sen@claydonprimary.net

What is SEND?

A child has special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which means that they find it significantly harder to learn or to do activities which children the same age are able to do.

These children may need extra help, support or special provision that goes beyond the differentiated approaches and learning arrangements that are normally provided in class.

If your child has special educational needs or a disability their needs will fall into one or more of the four main areas of SEN;

1.  Communication and interaction

  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
  • Autism

2.  Cognition and learning

  • Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD)
  • Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD)
  • Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD)
  • Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD) 

3.  Social, Emotional and Mental Health

4.   Physical / Sensory

  • Visual Impairment (VI)
  • Hearing Impairment (HI)
  • Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)
  • Physical Disability (PD) 

We rigorously track and monitor the progress of all our pupils.  Teachers in conjunction with the SENDCo and where appropriate external agencies will look at those pupils who are not making the progress we would expect and extra support and interventions will be put in place.  We regularly monitor and review the SEN Register.

What kind of Special Educational Needs are catered for?

Claydon Primary School is an inclusive school.  We welcome all pupils and we work hard to provide the best provision possible for them, whatever their additional need might be.  These might include, one or more of the four broad areas of need.
These are:
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Physical/Sensory difficulties

Who is the best person to talk to about Special Educational Needs/Disabilities?

 In the first instance, it is best to always talk to the class teacher.

 The following people in school can help you and you can contact them via the school office:

  • Class teacher
  • SENDCo (Ms Riches)
  • Family Welbeing Lead (Mrs Sefton)

You could also contact

How do we identify if a child needs extra help or has Special Educational Needs?  What should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?

We continually monitor the progress of our pupils and follow our Graduated Approach to Assess, Plan, Do and Review. This is a cyclical process and the steps are explained below.  If you have concerns then please make an appointment to discuss this with your child’s class teacher.


There are various ways that we assess children to decide whether they need to go on to the SEN register.  These include:

  • Teacher assessments
  • Teacher’s knowledge of the child
  • Pupil progress meetings – this is a termly meeting between the class teacher and senior teachers.  During these meetings both the progress and attainment is carefully monitored
  • Parents views of the child’s development recently and over time
  • The views of the pupil
  • Advice and recommendations made from outside agencies
  • Standardised assessments and classroom observations of the child 

The above information will be discussed by the SENDCo, class teacher, parent, child and support staff. 

If this process identifies a concern which is caused by a special educational need and all parties concerned consider that it is appropriate, we would add your child on to our Special Needs Register. 


All children will benefit from and have access to Quality First Teaching, where work will be differentiated appropriately to meet the individual needs of the children.  Reasonable adjustments will be made and additional resources that are required will be made available.

If an additional need has been identified a plan, called a provision map will be written by the class teacher in consultation with the child and parent.  Additional advice might also be sort from the SENDCo.  The provision map will identify reasonable adjustments that are required and anything that is different or additional that needs to be put in place in order to meet the child’s individual needs.                                       


Once the plan is in place the reasonable adjustments and the additional and different provision will begin.

Teachers will continually be reflecting on their lessons and the child’s outcomes so that gaps in learning and misconceptions can be identified and addressed. The class teacher remains responsible for any additional provision that is in place for the child, even if the child is completing an intervention outside of the classroom.


Each term the provision map will be formally reviewed (October, February and May). This will be completed by looking at impact of the interventions.  You will be invited into school to discuss this.  Decisions will be made as to whether the additional and different provision should continue or change in any way.  Pupil progress meetings which take place with the class teacher and member of the leadership team will assist with this process. 

If progress has not been made then the SENDCo may give further advice or consider seeking support from outside agencies such as Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), Occupational Therapist (OT), Educational Psychologist (EP), School Nurse, Primary Mental Health Worker (PMHW).

What do we do to support children within their class?

We aim and endeavour to provide an inclusive learning environment.  We support our teachers to ensure that Quality First Teaching (QFT) is provided.  We endeavour to ensure that all reasonable adjustments are made and additional and different provision is provided.  Additional resources that we provide for children include: pencil grips, writing slopes, move’n’sit cushions, fiddle toys, coloured books, overlays and ‘white’boards for the children to write on, practical resources for maths, laptops, sound buttons etc. Lessons are differentiated and activities scaffolded to support and meet the individual needs of the children.  Teaching Assistants are also available in some lessons to support the teaching in meeting the needs of all children.  Occasionally, some pupils have full time 1:1 support.

What interventions are used to support pupils?

 We use a range of interventions, these include:

Speech and Language

  • Wellcomm – Assessment and intervention programme – Nursery and Reception
  • 1-1 intervention - usually working under the direction of the NHS speech therapist


  • Switch-on – A reading and writing intervention
  • IDL Cloud – A spelling and reading, online intervention
  • Bear Necessities – Early years phonics intervention


  • Plus 1
  • Power of 2

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

  • Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA) – We have 3 TAs who are trained to deliver a wide range of emotional literacy interventions
  • Drawing and Talking
  • Sand Tray Therapy


  • Sensory Circuits

How do we know if the support and interventions have an impact?

This is part of the ‘Review ‘ process.  Children who are on the School SEN register will have a provision map.  This is reviewed by the class teacher on a termly basis and the impact will be monitored.  The SENDCo will also be collecting information and monitoring the progress and data of children who are completing interventions.  Class teachers also have termly pupil progress meetings with Leadership Team.

This process enables us to evaluate the impact of interventions and so informing us of how best to use our resources.

How will my child be supported when they join the school, change class or move to a new setting or move to the next phase of schooling?

We are very aware of how difficult transitions can be for some children so we endeavour to carefully support children through this process.  We are a welcoming, caring and nurturing school.  New children will be shown around so that they can get their bearings.  They will be paired up with a buddy who will look after them and adults will also ‘check in’ with any new pupil to check that they are okay.

At the end of a school year lots of transition work is completed.  This will involve visits to meet the new teacher and see the new classroom and a full transition day.  This enables the children to become more familiar with the new adults and surroundings.

Some children will be given a transition booklet to take home.  This will include information and photographs so that they can go over and familiarise themselves further with the forthcoming changes.

We also have very good links with Claydon High School.  There are transition opportunities throughout the year.  The high school is situated next door and is part of the same Trust. Through out the school year children have the opportunities to use the high school facilities and there are increasing opportunities for teachers to work across the two site.  For some pupils, who require additional transition support, extra visits take place so that the children are able to familiarise themselves further with the new school environment and staff.  The SENDCo’s of the two schools meet regularly throughout the year, this also helps ensure that this transition for our year 6 pupils goes as smoothly as possible.

 How do we support children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties?

We work very hard to support children who are experiencing difficulties with their social, emotional and mental health, in addition to the school approach to Zones of Regulation.  We have a Family Welbeing Lead who liaises closely with parents, SENDCo, class teacher, TAs, outside agencies and the child.  Through discussions and working together we aim to understand the difficulties, offer support and interventions and sign post to other agencies. Please see our Early Help Offer for more information.

When appropriate, a CAF referral will be completed with the parents.  If this is accepted, regular Family Network Meetings (FNM) will take place.  These are led by a Family Support Worker (FSW) and all the agencies involved in supporting the child meet to discuss progress, further actions and next steps.

What are the expertise of staff within the school?

We are very fortunate to have committed staff who have a vast range of interests, expertise and skills. 

These include:

  • Mental Health, First Aid trained staff
  • ELSA trained TAs
  • Switch-on trained TAs
  • Catch-up Numeracy trained TA and teacher
  • Staff with significant experience and understanding of supporting pupils with ASD and FASD
  • School safe trained workforce
  • De-escalation/Manual Handling trained staff
  • We have a growing knowledge and understanding of attachment related difficulties and sensory needs.
  • Some staff trained in Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Epilepsy 

How do we support children who have SEND to engage with those who don’t?

We are proud to be an inclusive school where mutual respect is an integral part of our ethos and values. All children are a valued member of our school community. We positively encourage all of our children to respect and support each other both in and outside of the classrooms.  All children are encouraged and supported to participate fully with school life.

How accessible is the school?

Our school has two buildings and there are ramps to access the main entrances. The main school building is one level, except the current year 4 classrooms. The year 4 classrooms are situated on a lower level, within the school building are accessed by steps.  These classrooms can be accessed via the outside door with the use of portable ramp.  We have two accessible toilets, these are located in different parts of the school. We have 2 portable soundfield systems which are used in classrooms where a need has been identified.  These systems improve the listening experience for all children but in particular children who have been identified as has having a hearing loss.

The new school building is fully accessible and there is a lift so that all floors can be easily accessed.

What specialist services are available to and are accessed by the school?

We use a range of outside services and agencies.

These include:

  • Specialist Education Services (SES)
  • Educational Psychologist (EP)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Services (SALT)
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Physiotherapy
  • School Nursing Team
  • Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHW)
  • Social Care
  • Family Support Workers
  • Educational Welfare Officer (EWO)

Other school policies that might be useful

 To view our school policies please click here